About Me

I am a junior-year undergraduate student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, majoring in Robotics Engineering with a minor in Mathematics. Currently, I am a research intern working on Policy Learning for Robotic Manipulation and TAMP (Task And Motion Planning) at The Helping Hands Lab in Northeastern University, advised by Professor Robert Platt. Besides, I also conducted research on multiple robotic and computer vision topics: Deep Learning Optimization for 3D Vision, FDM Printing for Soft Robotics, and Healthcare Automated Monitoring System. My research works are supervised by Prof. Ziming Zhang at VISLab@WPI, Prof. Markus P. Nemitz at Nemitz Robotics Group, and Prof. Christopher Nycz at AIM Lab. CV: Link.


  • August 10, 2024: I have extended my research internship at Northeastern University until August 31, 2025.
  • June 30, 2024: Our paper, “Loss Distillation via Gradient Matching for Point Cloud Completion with Weighted Chamfer Distance,” has been accepted for an Oral Presentation at IEEE/RSJ IROS 2024.
  • May 1, 2024: This summer, I will join The Helping Hands Lab at Northeastern University as a research intern to work on cutting-edge robotic projects focusing on manipulations and 3D vision. Our projects will collaborate closely with Boston Dynamic AI to tackle critical challenges in robotics.
  • January 31, 2024: Our paper, “Vision-based FDM Printing for Fabricating Airtight Soft Actuators,” has been accepted for an Oral Presentation at IEEE RoboSoft 2024.

Research Vision

My long-term research vision is to develop automation systems that are self-adaptive to new environments based on trustworthy data input from perception and learning motion strategies from logistics reasoning. These systems will assist humans in accomplishing challenging tasks in the physical world.

Selected Publications

  • Policy Learning for Robotic Manipulation
  • Imagination Policy: Using Generative Point Cloud Models for Learning Manipulation Policies

    Haojie Huang, Karl Schmeckpeper*, Dian Wang*, Ondrej Biza*, Yaoyao Qian**, Haotian Liu**, Mingxi Jia**, Robert Platt, and Robin Walters (*, ** Equal Contribution)

    CoRL 2024, PDF, Project Page

    Imagination Policy

  • Deep Learning Optimization for 3D Vision
  • Loss Distillation via Gradient Matching for Point Cloud Completion with Weighted Chamfer Distance

    Haotian Liu*, Fangzhou Lin*, Haoying Zhou*, Songlin Hou*, Kazunori Yamada, Gregory S. Fischer, Yanhua Li, Haichong K. Zhang, and Ziming Zhang (* co-first author)

    IEEE/RSJ IROS 2024 at Abu Dhabi, UAE Oral Presentation, PDF

    Loss Distillation

  • Healthcare Automation Monitoring System
  • Automated Control of External Ventricular Drain for Neuro-ICU

    Haotian Liu, Yujie Guo, Haoran Zhang, and Matthew Duncan

    Bachelor Thesis, PDF, Code

    Auto EVD

  • FDM Printing for Soft Robotics
  • Vision-based FDM Printing for Fabricating Airtight Soft Actuators

    Yijia Wu*, Zilin Dai*, Haotian Liu, Lehong Wang, and Markus P. Nemitz (* co-first author)

    IEEE RoboSoft 2024 at San Diego, CA, USA Oral Presentation PDF

    Vision Printing